How do you speak? An app dedicated to aspiring cosmopolitans who want to speak as natives.Transidiomexpress is a bank with thousands of idioms, slang, neologisms, alternatives words to the standard language with their meanings and contextual examples in Spanish, Italian and English.
A combined translator.
A resource for travelers, enthusiasts for language and just curious people who don't find the answers in regular grammar books, dictionaries and translators.
It's the must-have bilingual database for those who want to reach the true agility, fluency, accuracy and naturalness of speech: it pushes you deep the domain of a language and improves the quality of communication with translations in synch with the authentic charming language of a place.
It's based on the use of contextual meanings and has been designed to put yourself in the shoes of the other learning codes and vocabulary.
For people who constantly change, like languages, which capture and reflect social changes along the world.